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SAF now offers an industry first XpressShip service for pre-engineered Metal Column covers in just 2 weeks. Our SERIES M-1000 Hook-On, Butt-Joint Column Covers are available for XpressShip service with the standard options, material types and finishes listed below. SAF’s systems approach to design and fabrication makes this special service possible.

Standard Options:

  • Column Cover Section configurations of halves, thirds or quarters
  • Single piece height up to 144″
  • Reveals at the Base and/or Top (Middle Reveals not included in XpressShip Program)

Material Types:

  • Aluminum Sheet
    • 3000 Series Alloys (0.80″, 0.90″ and 0.125″ Thickness)
    • 5000 Series Alloys (0.80″, 0.90″ and 0.125″ Thickness)
  • Stainless Steel
    • 300 Series Brushed or Mirror (16ga.)


Choose from 6 standard anodized aluminum finishes or 56 standard colors in factory baked-on PVDF finish. SAF applies painted coatings to aluminum per AAMA specifications.

* IMPORTANT Exceptions to 2-Week XpressShip Program

  1. Orders accepted on this program are subject to standard options, material types and standard colors only.
  2. This program is limited to the standard SERIES M-1000 Column covers only.
  3. The SAF ExpressShip program is subject to prior commitments. If we can’t produce the column covers within the 2 weeks for any reason, including but not limited to mechanical failure of equipment, we will state our timeline in our response or quotation.
  4. Changes in specifications, quantities, etc. restart the quoted order completion date.
  5. The 2 week completion date starts from the time
    • SAF has received the faxed (preferably) or emailed ORDER from the customer. If you do not receive an acknowledgement in response to your order within 8 business hours, PLEASE CALL US IMMEDIATELY at (770) 942-1207.
    • Payment arrangements have been made with SAF Metal Fabrication.
    • All information including material type, thickness, quantity, finish, color, dimensions and other specific details are received at our office.
  6. The following events may restart the 2-Week order completion date originally quoted:
    • Changes in specifications, dimensions, design or quantities submitted by the customer,
    • Design or dimension errors are found in the drawings,
    • The flat pattern design cannot be assembled as specified and/or
    • The supplier(s) of raw materials do not meet their committed, scheduled delivery date(s).

The 2-Week time period ends when the column cover components are packed and in SAF’s shipping department ready for pick-up or shipment.

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